Srinivas's Blog

Why everyone should have a routine?

June 15, 2020

In this article, I am going to talk about how having a routine changes your day? How it’s going to affect your productivity? My routine that keeps me on track everyday.

Have a routine

Having a proper routine and practising it everyday

How to start living the present

Time is precious. Once gone, cannot come back. I know it’s too old for this saying but it’s true. Before spending time on anything, think whether it can help you achieve your goals. Try thinking this way, if we can do all the things that we want to complete that day and fell asleep with full satisfaction, how will be the next day? The next day will be a beautiful day again and you will spend the whole day with full enthusiasm and will work harder to achieve your goals. At the end of the day, you are going to feel satisfied when you have worked hard to achieve your ultimate goal. It can be travelling the world, building a business etc. Even if you can contribute 0.1% to achieve your goals, you will feel satified and fulfilled.

Don’t let your PAST blackmail your PRESENT to ruin your beautiful FUTURE.

Live, Laugh and Experience Life. Cheers!!

Software Developer | Traveller | Alumni iB hubs Startup School'18
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