Srinivas's Blog

What Do I want to Do in life

June 05, 2020

Hey guys, Welcome to my blogs. A little intro about me. I am a software developer and I love travelling. I am currently exploring different paths in search of choosing the right path for my career.

What do I want to do in life?

Nobody has a definite answer to it. If you have it then you are very very lucky person my friend. But most of us don’t know what to do in life. Here I am going to put my heart out there. I want to do lots of things in life. I want to travel, meet new people, experience the adrenaline rush, take care of parents, buy a beautiful big house and car, etc. Can I do all of it?? Of course, I can but, but, but. There is a small question arises here, what should I do to do all of it?? Most of us can’t answer this as well. Many would think that having money can help us do most of them. But ask yourself, is having money solves all the problems. You can still meet new people, experience life.

Here is what you can do to keep a track of progress towards reaching your goals??

Have short term goals and long-term goals. List down all of them on a notebook. Yes, an old method notebook but it is very efficient. After listing them all, keep a track of year plan and write down all the things that you want to complete in that year which eventually complete your short-term goals and long-term goals, and work hard towards achieving it. Now you have a definite goal to complete in both short term and long-term. Everyday morning start your day with that thing in your mind and end it with a thought that whether you have contributed something to your goal or not. This will motivate you to strive harder every day and add a fulfilment in your day.

Suppose take an example like you want to travel the world. Make the list of places you want to travel and start working today itself to achieve that goal. Read blogs, books about travel. Get motivation and work harder each day. Because at last, you have achieved your goals and added fulfilment to your life.

So, my friend, find that passion for yourself and start working towards it today itself. Spread smiles and Spread Positivity. Cheers!!!

Software Developer | Traveller | Alumni iB hubs Startup School'18
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